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Why You Should Use a Safety Tree Service

Many of us are capable of mowing our lawns and planting flowers, but when it comes to tree maintenance, things get extremely complicated. While you might think it is safe to do it yourself, there are extreme risks of damage and harm to you, your tree, or your property if done incorrectly. Keep reading to learn more about why you should use a safety tree service for tree maintenance, instead of doing it yourself.

The Risks of DIY Tree Care

There are many risks to doing tree maintenance by yourself, the main being damage, injury, or even accidental death. Servicing trees is a serious business and many things can have negative consequences.

  • Falling limbs: Tree trimming may seem as simple as cutting off branches, but this is very dangerous as you can throw the tree off balance or have a limb fall in a way you did not expect.
  • Faulty Tools: Something as simple as a dull chainsaw or weak ropes can lead to a terrible accident. Even if you know how to properly use a piece of equipment on the ground, everything can change when up in a tree.
  • General lack of knowledge: Unlike trained arborists with a safety tree service, homeowners and business owners are not experts in tree care and safety. It is incredibly dangerous to climb up a tree and trim branches without knowing how a tree is built and how to climb it properly.
safety tree services dallas - North Texas Trees

The Benefits of a Safety Tree Service

At North Texas Trees, safety is our number one priority. Our expert arborists are certified, insured, and trained to climb and work safely to limit fall risk and prevent injury. Each of our tree surgeons can identify sick or decaying branches as well as unbalanced weight on trees to remove them safely and keep you and your property protected.

No matter what service we are performing, your comfort and safety are the most important part of the job. Whether we are up in the tree bracing or down on the ground grinding a stump, we will always use best practices and proper protocol. If your trees need help, contact a local safety tree service, like North Texas Trees, instead of doing it yourself.

If you are in the DFW area and in need of service, contact us today or call us at 972-423-8733 today to get started.