Winter Tree Care Tips - North Texas Trees

Winter Tree Care Tips

As we head deeper into the coldest months of the year, many homeowners are making their way through their home checklists to ensure that everything survives the winter. Do you have tree care on your list? If not, you should! While trees may look dormant throughout the winter, they are fighting hard to survive and prepare for spring. You can help your trees out by utilizing the following winter tree care tips.

Winter Tree Care Tips

Tip #1: Check for Dangers

As winter sets in, the first thing you should do is check for dangers. Branches weighed down by snow or ice have the potential to snap if they are weak. A snapped branch can be hazardous to structures, powerlines, and anyone unfortunate enough to be outside when it happens. Therefore, you should always check your trees for weak links; then, have them removed or secured.

Tip #2: Time to Prune

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Winter is one of the best times to prune most trees as it is easy to see all the elements of the tree with the leaves out of the way as well as ensure cleaner cuts and getting heavy machinery closer. Pruning aids the trees in preventing disease and infestation while increasing flower growth in the spring.

We highly recommend hiring a professional arborist to prune your trees to ensure the best possible care for your leafy friends

Tip #3: Protect Vulnerable Trees

The winter can be especially harsh for vulnerable or young trees, but there are a few ways you can help. First, when it snows, you can remove built-up snow from limbs. Just gently push the snow off the limbs in an upward movement. If the tree has ice, be careful not to break the branches.

Additionally, we recommend creating a makeshift shelter for small or vulnerable trees, like Japanese maples. This will protect the trees from being damaged under the weight of heavy snow.

Lastly, you can prevent damaged bark from the constant freezing and thawing of the trees (aka sunscald) and prevent pest prevention by wrapping the tree. Using plastic tree guards, start at the bottom of the tree and wrap it until you reach the lowest branches.

Tip #4: Water and NO SALT

Here are two quick winter tree care tips! First, only water your trees when the soil and tree have thawed. Donโ€™t bother watering when it is freezing because the water will end up damaging the tree. Second, be very careful to ensure no melting salts get near your trees. Salt significantly impairs a tree’s functions and can be detrimental to its health if it comes into contact with too much.

North Texas Trees

We at North Texas Trees are certified and experienced arborists. If you need assistance in your winter tree care or other tree needs, please give us a call at 972-423-8733 . For more winter tree care tips and beyond, please check out our blog!